
Cuckmere 2, South Downs
A view from the side of the flood plane further towards the mouth of the estuary. At low tide you can sometimes see the ribs of the Polynesia emerge from the brackish water, a German sailing ship that ran aground in 1890
Cuckmere 2, South Downs

Size 22cm x 16cm

Date: 2015

Meduim Oil on Board

Artist © Jamie Tweddell

Cuckmere 2, South Downs

A view from the side of the flood plane further towards the mouth of the estuary. At low tide you can sometimes see the ribs of the Polynesia emerge from the brackish water, a German sailing ship that ran aground in 1890

Size 22cm x 16cm

Date: 2015

Meduim Oil on Board

Artist © Jamie Tweddell